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Sidney Alvin Lee - U.S. Army Airborne Ranger

LeeMy neighborhood was mostly black, but there were Creoles, Indians and Cajuns, too.  You didn’t know who was who and what was what.  If a kid got pissed at somebody, he might call him cracker or nigger or something else, but he was never sure what name hurt most.

My first real experience with segregation and racism came in the military.  In Vietnam, black soldiers rarely served in rear echelon positions.  Supply clerks and officers’ drivers were always white.  Blacks were sent to the field.  When time for R&R, the white soldiers went first and got the best choices.  When a white soldier got wounded with sixty days left in country, they found him a job in the rear.  Wounded black soldiers were treated and sent back into the bush.  Everybody knew this went on.  It was just something we lived with.



1. Racism in the Military
2. Tossed into a River
3. Dad's Death
4. MLK
5. Jump school
6. Rosie Marie
7. A lot of action
8. The world turned to shit
9. Attacked from three sides
10. Green tracers
11. The last day
12. PTSD symptoms kick in
13. Too petrified to move
14. No support from Uncle Sam