Suggested Reading
- Cook, A., M. Blaustein, J. Spinazzola, and B. van der Kolk, eds. Complex
Trauma inChildren and Adolescents. National Child Traumatic
Stress Network, Database on-line. Available from http://www.NCTSNet.org.
- Ellis,
J. “The Sharp End of War: The Fighting Man in World War II.” London:
David and
- Charles, 1980 Ford, J. “Disorders of Extreme Stress Following
War-Zone Military Trauma: Associated Features of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
or Comorbid but Distinct Syndromes.” Journal of Consulting and
Clinical Psychology. no.
67 (1999): 3-12 Freud, S. “The Aetiology of Hysteria.” (1896).
Translated by J. Strachey in Standard Edition, 203, n. 3. London:
Hogarth Press (1962).
- Gilbertson, M. W., M. E. Shenton, A. Ciszewski, K.
Kasai, N. B. Lasko, S. P. Orr, and R. K. Pitman. “Smaller Hippocampal
Volume Predicts Pathologic Vulnerability to Psychological Trauma.” Nature
Neuroscience. no. 5 (2002):
- Grinker, R. R., and J. Spiegel. Men Under Stress. Philadelphia:
Blakeston, 1945 Herman, J. L. Trauma and Recovery. United States:
Harper-Collins, 1992 Herman, J. L. “Complex PTSD: A Syndrome in Survivors
of Prolonged and Repeated Trauma.” Journal
of Traumatic Stress. no. 5 (1992): 377-391.
- Horowitz, M. J, and
S. S. Becker. “The Compulsion to Repeat Trauma:
Experimental Study of Intrusive Thinking After Stress.” Journal
of Nervous and Mental Disease. no. 153 (1971): 32-40.
- Kardiner, A.,
and H. Spiegel. “War, Stress, and Neurotic Illness.” The
Traumatic Neurosis of War. New York: Hoeber, 1947 Leaky,
R. “The Origins
of Humankind.” In Incubated in Terror: Neurodevlopmental Factors
in the ”Cycle of Violence.” ed. Perry, B. D.
New York: Guilford Press, 1997
- McFarlane, A. “Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder: A Model of the Longitudinal Course and the Role
of Risk Factors.” Journal of Clinical Psychology. no. 61 (2000):
- Morgan, C. A. III, S. Wang, A. Rasmusson, G. Hazlett, G. Anderson,
and D. S. Charney. “Relationship Among Plasma, Cortisol, Catecholamines,
Neuropetide Y and Human Performance During Exposure to Uncontrollable Stress.” Psychosomatic
Medicine. no. 63 (2001): 412-422.
- Ogden, P., and K. Minton. “One
Method for Processing Traumatic Memory.” Traumatology.
no. 6 (2000): 1-20.
- van der Kolk, B. A., and A. C. McFarlane. “The
Black Hole of Trauma.” In Traumatic Stress:
The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society. eds.
van der Kolk, B. A., A. McFarlane, and L. Weisaeth. New York: Guilford Press,
1996; 3-5.
- van der Kolk, B. A. “The Compulsion to Repeat the Trauma: Re-enactment,
Revictimization, and Masochism.” Psychiatric Clinics of North America. no.
12 (1989):
- van der Kolk, B. A. “The Complexity of Adaptation to Trauma:
Self-Regulation, Stimulus, Discrimination, and Characterological Development.” In Traumatic
Stress: The Effects of Overwhelming Experience on Mind, Body, and Society. eds.
van der Kolk, B. A., A. McFarlane, and L. Weisaeth. New York: Guilford Press,
1996; 182-213.